Saturday, 25 July 2020

J&K Bank Fresh Jobs Recruitment 2020

Posts Details Below:

Last Date=07 Aug 2020

Online applications are invited from the Retired Officers of the Bank for engagement as Credit Auditors for the period 01/09/2020 to 31/08/2021 for the Business Units of the bank at various states/ UT’s across the country.

Eligibility Criteria:
Having retired honorably, either superannuated or through VRS (not charge sheeted & punished for serious lapses/offences in his/her active service).

Officer retired as Scale Ill or above and having minimum experience of 15 years as an Officer in the bank with satisfactory track record including 3 years of experience in dealing with high value advances including foreign exchange portfolio at Business Unit/s or at controlling office/s or as Credit Auditor.

Must not be above the age of 70 years as on 07.2020, and should be of sound health;

Having adequate computer knowledge and should be able to handle computers independently as the inspection report has to be punched online.

Must be well versed and familiar with Finacle Core Banking Solution (CBS).

Application format is available on Bank’s website .Applications have to be submitted online within ten (10) days from the date of publication of this notification, i.e by or before 04.08.2020.

Hard Copies of Applications duly filled in along with the necessary enclosures should reach the office of Vice President, S, C and Audit Division, J&K Bank Corporate Headquarters, M.A.Road, Srinagar 190001 by or before 07.08.2020.

Retired Officers of the Bank already engaged as Credit Auditors previously have to apply a fresh. The Bank reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.

(The Jammu & Kashmir Bank
S,C and Audit Division Corporate Headquarters:
M. A. Road, Srinagar, Kashmir)

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