Pre-matric Scholarships for Other OBCs Students for the year 2020-21 Notification
Applications are invited under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-matric Scholarships for Other Backward Classes OBCs Scholarship Scheme for the students for the year 2020-21.
Applications are invited from the students belonging to Other Backward Classes OBCs of Kashmir Province pursuing education under Pre-matric in Govt /Govt, recognized private schools/ institutes during the year 2020-21 to be awarded by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt, of India, who are not covered under the Schedule Cage, Schedule Tribes and DNTs, fulfilling all scheme related guidelines.
Those students who are belonging to Other Backward Classes (OBC) category, whose family income is as per guidelines will be eligible for applying under Pre-matric Scholarship.
The application form shall be attached with following documents:
One passport size photograph duly attested by Head of Institution.
Permanent Residence Certificate “State Subject Certificate.
Parents /Guardians current income certificate, in original ,from the concernedTehsildar (in case of students whose parents/guardians are not Government employees). In case of wards of Government employees, salarycertificate issued by the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers.
Valid Caste Certificate from the competent authorities.
Aadhaar Number atongwith xerox of Aadhaar Card and seeding of Aadhaar with Bank account will lead to smooth transaction of sanctioned scholarship amount in favour of eligible students.
Payment of Receipt of Fee or authorization for being sponsored by the Institution under above said category/ scheme issued by the Institution.
The grant of scholarship is subject to the following:
Mere filling of application form will confer no right on the student that he/ she will be granted scholarship.
Preference will be given to the Government Institutions.
Scholarship will be restricted to availability of funds and also the merit and income.
The income limit prescribed for Pre Matric Scholarships fur Other Backward Chases (OBCs)
The application forms (as per prescribed proforma annexed as “Annexure “Al shall be submitted by the students to the concerned Head of the Institution by or before 31-10-2020. The concerned Head of the Institution will consolidate the application forms alongwith above mentioned certificates/documents alongwith his/her individual recommendations on each application form and prepare the list as per format forming ANNEXURE “B”. Annexurell” along with application forms completed in all respects should be deposited in the concerned District Social Welfare Offices where students Institution falls by or before 15-11-2020. The District Level sanctioning committee shall sanction the cases after following all criteria as envisaged in the guidelines.
No application form shall be entertained after expiry of the scheduled date.
(Income certificate with cutting/mutation will lead to rejection of Application forms.)
Incomplete application form if any submitted by student will be out-rightly reject.
The Scholarship is in offline mode (Viz : no need to submit online application).
Courtesy: KSA
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