Sunday, 16 August 2020

Kashmir University 'tentatively' announces PG entrance exam in September 2020

 The University of Kashmir (KU) is going to conduct entrance examination for admission to various PG courses for the session 2020 tentatively from the first week of September, 2020.
“It is notified for information of all candidates who have submitted online application form and have deposited the requisite entrance test fee within the stipulated date and time for admission to various P.G. courses, 3-year LLB and 5-year BA LLB courses for session 2020 that the University is going to conduct the entrance test of the said courses tentatively from the first week of September 2020.”- reads the notification issued in this connection by Directorate of Admissions & Competitive Examinations KU read: 

The notification further said: “In this connection the aspirants are hereby directed to prepare themselves for the upcoming Entrance Examination and access the official website of University for further updates. The syllabus is already available on the Kashmir University official website under Admissions window. Furthermore, the schedule of entrance test will be issued separately.” 


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