Monday, 10 August 2020

NTA DG Dr Vineet Joshi to BBC: SOPs will be followed for NEET and JEE

Before some days a petition was filed in Supreme Court seeking postponement of NEET and JEE 2020. According to sources the date for hearing of this petition is 14th August 2020. 
BBC talked Director-General General of National Testing Agency (NTA) and He said some important points in his interview.

DG NTA in the interview to BBC news said that he has no information about the petition, seeking postponement of NEET and JEE, filled in Supreme court yet.

He told the BBC that all the rules of the government would be followed to conduct the exam in Corona.  The National Testing Agency is the institution that conducts IITs and NEET examinations in the country.

DG NTA also said BBC that this time 600 centers have been built for IITs, which used to be 450 earlier.  Similarly, there are about 4000 centers for NEET examination this time, which used to be 2500 earlier.

 Apart from this, it has been said that due to the epidemic this year, not all students reach the exam center at the same time.  It will be mentioned in the admit card.  All the rules will be given to students throughout the week along with the admit card.

 Vineet Joshi further says that students will get a system of thermal screening at the exam center and sanitizer will also be arranged.  Admit card of exam in the containment zone will work as gate pass.  The local administration will be informed about this in advance.

 On the floods of Bihar, he said that there is still almost a month left in the examination.  It is expected that the conditions will improve by then. Vineet Joshi said that there are centers in two cities of Bihar, but the number of centers in these two cities is quite high.

He says that the government has made complete preparations on its own.  Not only this, the NTA also gave students the option to change the center in the month of July.  The window was also opened for15 days, when students could change the form.


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