Showing posts from January, 2021

Negligence - of authorities Pakistan

Negligence Negligence of Government Health Department in Kahuta has been shown that a 7 years old kid Harira who was t…

72Th Republic day celebrated In Karnah

72Th Republic day celebrated In Karnah karnah ,Jan 26:  The 72th Republic day celebration were held in Karnah with great zea…

Karnah Police arrested Drug Peddler.

Karnah Police arrested Drug Peddler, Brown Sugar Like Substance Recovered Today One drug peddler arrested by Karnah Police i…

Welcome Bewick's

The Bewick's Swan (Cygnus Columbianus Bewickii), a sub-specie of Tundra Swans ( Cygnus columbianus ) has been spotted …

Grenade lobbed towards CRPF party

Srinagar: Suspected militants on Wednesday lobbed a grenade towards CRPF party in Rainawari area of Srinagar. However, offic…

breast abscess

Ladies! Ever felt redness or swelling in your breasts? If yes, then what is it? No worries it isn't cancer god forbid. I…

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