Tuesday, 12 January 2021

breast abscess

Ladies! Ever felt redness or swelling in your breasts? If yes, then what is it?
No worries it isn't cancer god forbid. It is a painful, pus-filled lump under the breast skin and is called breast abscess.
It can be a complication of mastitis, which is a breast infection.
Generally found in lactating mothers, they are either one or more in number. As per a report, lactation mastitis occurs in 2-3% of lactating females, 5-11% of whom may develop several abscesses.
Presently they are seen in unmarried girls. Why? Talking to an associate professor of Department of Surgeory, SKIMS Soura, Dr. Natasha Thakur, we came to know about the reasons. Dr. Thakur said, "This issue is found in the age group of 25-45. In lactating mothers, the bacteria in an infant's mouth plays the role. In aged ladies, there are other reasons like duct ectasia which clog or block the milk ducts. But in unmarried girls it is mainly due to cracked or inverted nipples. Even breast cancer patients might have abscesses developed in their breast tissues. It's mainly due to hormonal changes."
Inverted nipples can be congenital or due to mastitis, duct ectasia, abscess under areola, etc. Regarding its treatment, Dr. Natasha quoted "In elderly ladies surgeory is 2nd option but for unmarried girls, inverted nipples are to be treated through certain exercises as surgeory could damage their milk ducts. Abscesses, as we all know, are to be drained anyhow. No other option for them."
Breast abscesses have a long history. They are being drained from decades as lactating mothers were present since the inception of universe. Dr. Natasha Thakur herself has done so much breast abscess drainages in her career. 
Although being due to hormonal changes in some cases, but it has nothing to do with genes unlike contemporary lifestyle diseases.
The cases are rising day by day. On the other hand, the irony is that ladies of the valley are less aware of this disease. Many might misunderstand it with breast cancer. So, the SKIMS Soura team is undergoing a research project to cover al the loopholes regarding the issue. The team is also planning of an awareness cum screening camp for the purpose.


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