Thursday, 24 June 2021

Gurez admin orders for restraint against early harvesting of Kala Zeera

Warns of strict action against violators

GUREZ: The Executive Magistrate Ist Class Gurez on Tuesday said that very often complaints are being received regarding early harvesting of Kala ZEERA (black Cumin) by locals especially from Nayl, Khopri, Khandiyal, Chorwan, Chuntiwari, Achoora, Dawar, Mastan, Markoot, Badwan Wanpora etc, an official handout said.
The Ex. Magistrate said that early harvesting of Kala Zeera before fruits (seeds) attain maturity has led to a decrease in its productivity in recent times. Kala zeera is precious, the identity, and heritage crop of Gurez & also Kala zees is Indigenous to Gurez, he added.
Thus public of Gurez in general and public of Nayl, Khopri, Khandiyal, Chorwan, Chuntiwarl, Achoora, Dawar, Mastan, Badwan and Wanpora etc. in particular are informed to restraint from early harvesting of Kala Zeera and failure to do so shall tantamount to willful negligence and action as warranted under rules shall be initiated against defaulters/ violators, it said.

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