JKGBYWC, hold Protest demonstration at Press enclave Srinagar on the inclusions of upper castes non tribal communities into schedule tribe category.
Srinagar: Activists of J&K Gujjar Bakerwal Youth Welfare Conference, held Protest demonstration today at Press enclave Srinagar, and Oppossed the demand of Pahari speaking people to include them in ST category, which is totally wrong and baseless and without any genuine ground of granting ST status to them.
Large number of people from different areas of Valley attended the Protest March. They speakers while speaking on the ocassion said that we will not accept any encroachment or inclusion of any other upper caste community in ST and as mereley on the basis of a dialect.
Moreover, they said that if a community is *already enjoying 42% Reservation in various categories like RBA, ALC, OSC, OBC, EWS & PSP and* now demanding ST status also which is merely 10% & in this 10% share thirty lakh Gujjar Bakerwal inclduing Gadis, Sippis, Gurezies etc etc & people of UT Ladakh are also getting reservation benefit which is too less as per population ratio & inclusion of the PSP in it whose castes is Guptas, Sharmas, Brahamans, Rajputs, Dars, Bhats, Wanis, Syeds and so on will not be only a blunder but by doing so every resident of UT J&K and UT Ladakh will become Tribal, & everyone would claim of ST Quota Share which will be a murder of all these communities which are already downtrodden and are marganilised. PSP don't deserve for ST status only on speaking of Pahari language which is the dialect of Punjabi language, then tomorrow you have to give ST status to all Punjabi speaking throughout India.
They added that they don't deserve in any angle nor on the bassis of dialect, language, region, religion or castes with every respect they dont deserve for it.
They said that the leaders of PSP deliberately making it an issue only to get the political benefit & after the abrogation of Article 370 and 35 A when it is being discussed that political reservation is being given to Gujjar Bakerwals they have paced up the demand of ST status to Pahari speaking people. We the Gujjar Bakerwals don't need any political reservation in Rajouri Poonch, Jammu , Udhampur, Reasi etc etc but if Govt is sincere to uplift the Gujjar Bakerwals then give us reservation in Chenab Valley and Kashmir Valley where people are more in number and very less in representation and more backward than anyone else. but this reservation must not be at the cost of our reservation in jobs and educational institutions. Otherwise there is no need to us of any political reservation and we will oppose any type of move of Govt to make encroachment in our Reservation Quota, which is already less than as per our Population ratio.
We people of Doda, Kishtwar, Ramban, Uri, Baramulla, Karnah, Gurez, Rajouri, Poonch, Jammu, Kathua, Udhampur and Reasi and definitely go against BJP party who is hell bent upon to snatch our rights and giving to others who don't deserve legally.
They further said that that PSP Quota should be extended from 04% to 10% if Govt is sincere for their upliftment & the benefit of it should also be given to the people of Doda, Kishtawar, Reasi, Ramban, Bhalessa, Gool, Anantnag, Budgam, Srinagar, Kupwara, Bandipora, Ganderbal, Shopian, Pulwama & Srinagar. Why the benefit of PSP is limited to Rajouri, Poonch, Karnah & Uri ? Paharri Speaking People of above mentioned areas are more backward than the PSP of Rajouri-Poonch.
They further reiterated that if GOI would take any step to include any community merely on the basis of a dialect in our Reservation Quota there will be bad consequences for everyone.
Gujjar Bakerwals, Gurezis, Gaddis, Sippis, Ladakhies are one & will defend it with tooth & nail as they said it would becomes the responsibility of GOI to enhance our Reservation but shamelessly attempts are being made to eradicate it by making the entry to the people of all castes in it which is very unfortunate & we will never let it happen.
We have no objection if Govt extends PSP quota from 4% to 10% or more but encroachment in our identity , our culture, our heritage will never be tolerated & 30 Lakh Gujjar Bakerwals, including Gaddis, Sippis, Gurezi & Ladakhies would never feel shy to hit streets, they warned.
Ch Mushtaq Budgami, Chief Advisor to team, Zahid Parwaz Ch State President, JKGBYWC, Choudhary Mustafa Rahi, Province President, Kashmir & DDC Kalaroose, Showkat Choudhary Province Vice President Kashmir, Shaista Aslam DDC, Fakir Gujjri, Dr Mudasir Gurezi, Arshad Gurezi, Amir Anees lone, Suheel Shaheen, Adv Zahid lone, Zubair Chowdhary, Irshad Fidai, Iqram Bajran, Talib Ch, Hafiz Manzoor, Qasim Kasana, Rashid Chouhan, Amir Anees Lone, Ishfaq Zabiullah Lone Tariq Ch, Tufail Ch, Khursheed Doe, Yousuf Kasana, Danish Teadwa, Asif Poswal Altaf Poswal, Muzzafar Choudhary Asif , District presidents of Kashmir Province , Tehsil presidents , Tehsil Presidents and several others were present on the ocassion