With 161 signatures, ‘No-Confidence Motion’ tabled against Imran Khan

The primary opposition headed by Shahbaz Shareef on Monday tabled the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan in the National Assembly.

The speaker of the assembly asked those opposing the bill to stand up and upon counting the speaker declared that 161 people were standing in favour of the bill after which permission was granted to Shahbaz to present the motion.

The no-trust motion voting should be held between three to seven days, once taken up by the house.

In the 342-member National Assembly, the Opposition needs 172 votes to remove Khan. The PTI has 155 members in the House and needs at least 172 lawmakers on its side to remain in the government. The party has the support of 23 members belonging to at least six political parties.The Opposition with the support of the PML-Q, Balochistan Awami Party and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan has 163 members. However, the 17 members of the three major government allies are still undecided and they are negotiating with both sides.

Imran Khan cannot dissolve the house as the Pakistan constitution does not allow it. If he loses the trust vote then the next largest party, PML-N forms the government under Opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif.

The Speaker on the other hand can only delay the trust vote. In such an event Imran Khan can resign and call for fresh elections before the trust vote is tabled. with PTI Inputs 

Syed liyaqat

Editor at The Kashmir Graph Connect:- editor@thekashmirgraph.com

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