Zeeshan Mir
Gurez, a valley located in high Himalayas remains cut off for more than 6 months during winters from district headquarters Bandipora and rest of the world. The area has 100 % scheduled tribe population living peacefully from the past several decades.The people belong to minority ethnic group Dard Shin, who are pure Aryans and speak an ancient Indo-Aryan language–the shina language. Gurez has also a historic significance as it was the gateway to ancient silk route running across Asia.
This tribal population residing in Gurez and Drass areas has been facing discrimination for the past 70 years. The entire area is lagging behind in development and the government has not done anything to uplift the condition of poor people thus far.
However, recently an developmental initiative was taken up by the current dispensation, which provided a glimmer of hope to the disadvantaged people. But a non-native land mafia emerged in the area, seeking to acquire the land so that it could exploit the tourism and other commercial activities.
Due to the construction of Kishenganaga Dam, the people have already lost large tracts of land. More over, the unnecessary road widening project in Dawar affect the local populace . In this context, the recent large scale sale and purchase of land by vested persons will deprive the local residents of land and subjugate them in future. It will also have deleterious effect on the local culture and heritage.
Constitutional safeguards
Section 42 of SC and ST act provides some general restrictions on the sale, gift and bequest of the interest of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, in the whole or part of their holding. A scheduled tribe land holder can only sell his land to a scheduled tribe.
The government must safeguard the rights of people on their land and extend the schedule cast and schedule tribe act to the area.
Like other parts of the country, the Dard Shin tribal people want Gurez to be declared as scheduled area under schedule 5 and schedule 6 of Indian constitution so that their land and, culture and distinct identity could be protected.
Meanwhile , the local administration must be directed to stop the sale purchase of land to land mafia.
(Views expressed are personal)
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