Sunday, 9 April 2023

Poonch Infiltration Update: One Intruder Killed, Two Held With Narcotics

SRINAGAR: An intruder was killed and two others were apprehended as army said to have foiled an infiltration bid on intervening Saturday and Sunday night along Line of Control in Poonch district.

“On 08 April 2023 at 10:15 pm, own alert troops deployed on the Line of Control in the Poonch Sector observed a suspicious movement of a group (three individuals) close to the Line of Control and at around midnight the group, crossed the Line of Control and started infiltrating on to own side”, a spokesperson of defence ministry based in Jammu said in a statement.

“Own alert troops kept the movement of the infiltrating group under continuous observation and around 2:am as the group approached the fence, the alert Indian Army troops deployed on the fence challenged the infiltrators”, the statement reads.

“The intruders started to run away but were engaged by firing, in which one intruder was shot dead, while the other two managed to run into the jungle taking advantage of the thick foliage and rocky outcrop. The area was immediately cordoned to prevent their escape across the Line of Control.”

The search operation, as per the statement, was launched at first light wherein the dead body of one intruder was recovered at the encounter site. “As the search progressed in the jungle, one intruder was apprehended alive in wounded condition. In the subsequent search the third intruder was also apprehended alive.”

“In the search operation so far three bags with fourteen packets of Narcotics weighing approx 17 kgs, Pakistan currency, some documents, and eatables have been recovered.”

“Indian Army troops have by their quick action thus prevented a major infiltration bid of a narco-terror group which had the potential of disturbing the peace in Poonch & Rajouri Districts through its nefarious designs”, reads the statement . 

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