Wednesday, 14 June 2023

YJKPC President Mudasir Karim Supports Forestry Students’ Protest at SKUAST-K, Urging Preservation of Eligibility Criteria for Range Officer Posts in Forest Department

[Srinagar,14 June]Mudasir Karim, the President of the Youth Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference (YJKPC), has extended his steadfast support to the ongoing protest led by forestry students at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K). As the protest enters its second day, Mudasir Karim stands alongside the students, demanding justice and opposing any changes to the eligibility criteria for Range Officer posts in the Forest Department. Mudasir Karim emphasize the critical importance of preserving the eligibility criteria for Range Officer posts to ensure a promising future for the forestry profession and sustainable forest management.
Mudasir Karim recognizes the potential repercussions of altering the eligibility criteria and firmly believes that preserving the current standards is essential to maintain the integrity of the forestry profession.Mudasir Karim urge the administration to thoroughly consider the potential consequences of altering the eligibility criteria and engage in constructive discussions with all stakeholders involved.
“It is disheartening to witness that despite possessing bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in Forestry, along with completing postdoctoral fellowships, individuals in the forestry field still struggle to find employment. This situation is particularly concerning given the significant contribution these professionals can make to sustainable forest management and environmental conservation”,told Mudasir Karim.
Mudasir Karim Call on the administration and higher authorities to reconsider their decision and work towards creating a more conducive environment for forestry professionals to secure employment. They urge the administration to engage in dialogue with the students and address their concerns promptly.


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