DRDO Recruitment 2025: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is seeking applications from deserving, well qualified, and motivated candidates for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in various disciplines including Aeronautical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. As mentioned in the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2025, the chosen candidates for the aforementioned role will be placed at the Centre for Airborne System(CABS), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Belur, Yemlur PO, Bengaluru-560037. The monthly stipend would be Rs. 37,000 pm plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible.

According to the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2025, there are a total of 25 vacancies open for the above-designated role. Aspirants to be called eligible must hold a BE/B. Tech or ME/M.Tech degree in the appropriate discipline first division. The maximum age of candidates must be 28 years. Candidates have been provided with the age relaxation of 5 and 3 years to SC/ST and OBC (Non-creamy Layer) category candidates respectively. Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply. The process of shortlisting candidates will involve a Walk-In-Interview. The initial offer shall be for two years, which may be extended for a further two years (one year at a time) subject to satisfactory performance to be assessed by the Review Committee. Interested candidates may send their duly filled-in applications with all relevant documents to the email ID listed below.
Age Limit for DRDO Recruitment 2025:
In order to apply for DRDO Recruitment 2025, candidates must possess a maximum age of 28 years, as of 31 Dec 2024.

Candidates have also been awarded the age relaxation of 5 and 3 years to SC/ST and OBC (Non-creamy Layer) categories respectively. Caste certificate copy to be enclosed with the application, if applicable.

Qualifications for DRDO Recruitment 2025:
Based on the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2025, the educational degrees required for the JRF post are listed below:

Candidates must hold a BE/B. Tech in the above disciplines first division with valid GATE score.
Only GATE scores of 2023 and GATE scores of 2024 are acceptable.


Candidates must hold a ME/M. Tech in the above disciplines in the first division both at the Graduate and Post-graduate level.
Tenure for DRDO Recruitment 2025:
According to the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2025, the period of engagement is for the duration of two years which may be extended for a further two-year period (one year at a time) subject to satisfactory performance to be assessed by the Review Committee.

Place of Posting for DRDO Recruitment 2025:
The selected candidates in DRDO Recruitment 2025 will be placed at the Centre for Airborne System(CABS), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Belur, Yemlur PO, Bengaluru-560037.

Stipend for DRDO Recruitment 2025:
Referring to the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2025, the chosen candidates for the opportunity will be provided a monthly stipend of Rs. 37,000 pm plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible.
Walk-In-Interview Details For DRDO Recruitment 2025:
The dates for the Walk-In-Interview Details are listed below as per various disciplines:

28th Jan 2025 — ECE and Electrical
29th Jan 2025 — Aeronautical and Mechanical
30th Jan 2025 — Computer Science
Venue: Airborne System(CABS), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Belur, Yemlur PO, Bangalore -560037 

Applications will be accepted starting from 0900 hrs to 1000 hrs on the date mentioned
above. Candidates arriving late will not be allowed to participate in walk-in-interview
Initial screening and verification of testimonials will be done between 1000-1100 hrs on the above date of interview.
Interview of the screened shortlisted candidates will take place from 1100 hrs onwards
How to Apply for DRDO Recruitment 2025:
Following the official notification of DRDO Recruitment 2025, candidates who meet all the above requirements for the post may send their duly filled-in applications (Filled as per the format listed at the official website of DRDO) along with copies of all required documents to the Email ID: jrf.rectt.cabs@gov.in, with the subject line of, “Application for the post of Junior Research Fellowship- Subject.”

Applications to the respective email address must be sent on or before 24the January 2025.

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