Er. Rashid’s Unyielding Struggle: A Voice Silenced, Yet Not Defeated

Er. Rashid, the Supremo of the Awami Itihad Party (AIP) and Member of Parliament for Baramulla, stands as a beacon of hope and resilience in the politically charged atmosphere of Jammu and Kashmir. His journey from a passionate engineer to a tireless political leader has been marked by determination, unwavering courage, and a deep commitment to the rights of his people. Today,Er. Rashid’s leadership resonates with the masses of North Kashmir, who have consistently placed their trust in him, even as he faces the heavy hand of government oppression.

A Political Career Fueled by Determination

Er. Rashid’s political career took a bold turn when he founded the Awami Itihad Party (AIP), which has consistently fought for the rights of Kashmiris, the restoration of Article 370. Er. Rashid’s message has always been clear: self-determination, peace, and justice for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. His fearless stand against the central government’s policies, abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019, has earned him both admiration and hostility.

In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Er. Rashid’s political journey reached a significant milestone when over 5 lakh people from North Kashmir voted to elect him as their representative in the Lok Sabha. His victory was a resounding rejection of mainstream politicians like Omar Abdullah and Sajad Gani Lone, who failed to address the pressing issues of the region. The people of Baramulla made their voices heard, choosing Rashid as the man to represent their hopes, struggles, and aspirations in the Indian Parliament.

Detained in Tihar: The Unproven Charges and Political Repression

Despite his massive support from the people of North Kashmir, Er. Rashid’s political rise has not been without significant challenges. Following the abrogation of Article 370, Er. Rashid became one of the most vocal critics of the government’s move, calling it unconstitutional and detrimental to the people of Kashmir. His outspoken opposition led to his arrest, and he was taken into custody and placed in Tihar Jail under charges of terrorism.

For over six years, Er. Rashid has languished in detention, yet there has been no proof of the charges leveled against him. The government’s continued detention of a democratically elected leader raises serious questions about the legitimacy of these accusations and the broader political repression in Kashmir. Despite no concrete evidence to justify his imprisonment, Rashid remains behind bars, silencing the voice of the people of North Kashmir in Parliament.

The People’s Call for Justice: End the Suffering

The people of North Kashmir have made it abundantly clear that they want their elected representative back and with Er. Rashid still detained in Tihar, they are left without a voice in the highest legislative body. His absence in Parliament has left a significant gap, with many feeling that their concerns are not being addressed and that their democratic rights have been undermined.

It has been over six years since Er. Rashid’s detention, and still, no evidence has been presented to substantiate the charges against him. If he has not been proven guilty of any crime, why are the people of North Kashmir being made to suffer by the continued detention of their chosen representative? The prolonged imprisonment of Er. Rashid raises crucial questions about the fairness of the judicial process and the government’s motives in keeping him behind bars.

The Urgent Need for Action

As the people of North Kashmir await justice, it is essential for the government to recognize the damage caused by this prolonged detention. The political rights of the people are being trampled, and their trust in democratic institutions is slowly eroding. If Er. Rashid is indeed innocent, then it is high time for his release, allowing him to fulfill his duties as the duly elected Member of Parliament. The people of North Kashmir deserve to have their representative in Parliament, fighting for their rights, interests, and aspirations.

The continued detention of Er. Rashid serves only to deepen the sense of alienation and disillusionment among Kashmiris. His release would not only be a step towards justice but also a reaffirmation of the values of democracy, human rights, and political freedom that are supposed to define the Indian republic. It is time for the government to listen to the people of North Kashmir, end the unjust detention, and allow Er. Rashid to return to his rightful place as their representative in Parliament.

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