The Gram sabhas are supreme instead of the Forest Officials and VLWs.

The Gram sabhas are supreme instead of the Forest Officials and VLWs.
Final decisions will be taken after the consultation of General Public of village, so people are requested to attend the Gram Sabhas and choose only Comepetent, efficient and responsible people so you do not face any inconvenience in future.

 The Committee Members have to receive, acknowledge and retain the claims in the specified form and evidence in support of such claims

The Members of the Committee have to prepare the record of claims and evidence including maps

Have to prepare a list of claimants on forest rights.

Have to acknowledge every claim received, in writing

To prepare the claims on behalf of Gram Sabha for community forest rights in the prescribed Form.

This is not an easy task to become its member but have to play a great role in this regard is matter of great concern.
so please cooperate with each other do choose mere efficient and responsible people.

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