Mehbooba Mufti not allowed to visit slain civillian's home

SRINAGAR: Former chief minister and People’s Democratic Party president, Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday was restricted from visiting the residence of the slain civilian, who was killed in firing in Anantnag district.

On Thursday evening, Parvez Ahmad Khan was killed in firing by paramilitary CRPF after a vehicle driver “failed to stop” despite a signal at a checkpoint on Monghal bridge in Anantnag district.

“Under house arrest for the umpteenth time today. Wanted to visit the family of the innocent civilian shot dead by CRPF, ” Mufti tweeted.
She further added: “GOI wants us to selectively condemn killings. They are outraged only in cases where hate politics can be lapped up to polarise people.”

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